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Audiobooks & eBooks

Audible StoriesA collection of stories for free, during the pandemic!  (A paid membership to Audible is required for their complete collection...which includes just about every audiobook ever created.)

Destiny DiscovereBooks & audiobooks with checkout required for long term use.  Log in using your school username and birthday password, or access through ClassLink.

EPICFiction! Nonfiction! eBooks, audiobooks, read-alongs, and videos!  (log-in required)

HooplaeBooks and audiobooks, fiction and nonfiction!  Also has movies & music.  Create a free account with your public library card, then use the app for easy listening and reading.

Libby by OverdriveeBooks and audiobooks, fiction and nonfiction! Create a free account with your public library card.  Once you have an account, it works best to access your Overdrive checkouts using the "Libby" app on your devices.

TrueFlixNon-fictional eBooks (log-in required)

TumbleBook LibraryeBooks, read alongs, and audiobooks.  Fiction and nonfiction, all for kids!  (log-in required.)

Headshot of Ann Truesdell
Additional eBook & Audiobook Resources 

The resources listed below are not available to every student as they either require special permissions to use, or they may require a paid membership.


Students with IEPs or 504 plans that recommend audiobooks can get a free Bookshare account by contacting the counselors and/or librarian at BCS.  This will connect you with nearly every novel and textbook ever made, in a text-to-speech audio format.

Prime Reading from Amazon

Do you have an Amazon Prime membership? Take full advantage with Prime ever-changing selection of free eBooks, featuring many popular titles!  (Note: there are books for adults here, too!)