Current Projects
Battle of the Books 2024
Battle of the Books, a reading-enrichment program sponsored by Baldwin Public Library, aims to promote reading among fourth and fifth-grade BPS students. To participate, students collaborate with an adult coach and select five books from a designated list. They will then engage in a contest where they will compete against other teams by answering trivia questions related to the books they have read.
The event itself will occur on March 9 at 10 a.m. at Wylie E. Groves High School.
Key Dates
Monday, Dec. 4 | Kickoff & book titles announced |
Monday, Feb. 12 | Team registration opens |
Sunday, March 3 | Team registration closes |
Saturday, March 9 |
Battle Day |
Author Book Breaks
The Birmingham Education Foundation (BEF) has awarded all BPS elementary schools a grant to provide book breaks to our students. This program features virtual author visits where students can hear from world renown authors, submit questions for the authors and engage with English language arts curriculum in new ways.
Important Dates
Monday, Jan. 29
- Birbery program announced
Monday, Feb. 5
- Book checkout begins
Monday, May 6
- Deadline for all reviews to be submitted at 8 a.m. Qualifiers are announced at the end of the day.
2024 Birbery Awards
The Birbery reading program is designed by district media specialists for all BPS students in grades sixth, seventh and eighth. It is a “Mock Newbery” program, which gives an award each year in January for “the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children in the preceding year.” The BPS media specialists and Baldwin librarians chose 10 exceptional books that they believe are front-runners for the real Newbery Award.
How to Participate?
- Read as many book titles as you like from the 10 books selected.
- Submit reviews on the titles you read
- Log into Destiny Discover
Each review should include:
- Full name & grade
- A brief summary of the book (but don’t spoil the ending)
- Why you did or did not like the book
- Who would you recommend the book to (people who like...)
- Five book reviews and at least two book clubs will qualify a student for the pizza and ice cream lunch.
- Seven book reviews and at least two book clubs will qualify a student for the quiz bowl and chance to win the trip in a limo to Baldwin Library for the day.